
What Are The Disadvantages of a Kydex Holster (And How To Manage Them)?

You can never have too much Kydex in your life (or on your holster) from our perspective.  There are people who disagree with us on this point but instead of just mocking them outright, we are feeling magnanimous so here is a quick refutation of the so-called disadvantages of Kydex holsters.  Before we do that please note that at the end of this article, you will want to be Kydex maxing like this FDO Industries +1 Kydex holster: The +1 Kydex Holster. I could stare at that all day (and I often do in the shop, to be honest).  There is a lot of polarization in the world right now so instead of feeding the division let’s try to find some...

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What Should You Look For In An OWB Holster?

If you are looking to open carry, an OWB Kydex holster is a solid choice.  With a little planning, it is also a great concealed carry option as well.  OWB stands for “outside the waistband”.  If you are having a problem visualizing it just think about an old-timey western where everyone is walking around with strong-side Colt pistols acting like they own the place.  If you want a modern example, here is our Prodigy OWB Kydex Holster. People like to debate open carry versus concealed carry but in our opinion, there is no wrong way to do it.  It is a matter of personal preference and what the law where you live allows for (cough).  Sure, there are all sorts of situational concerns as...

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What Should You Look For In An IWB Holster?

If you are looking to conceal carry, an IWB Kydex holster is a solid choice (unless you have watched too much classic 80s TV in which case we will talk you off the shoulder holster ledge later in the article).  IWB stands for “Inside the Waistband” Side Note: Shouldn't it be ITW because waistband is one word? It appears liberties were taken with the acronym.  In any case, it is a holster that is meant to go inside your pants or shorts so that it can be easily concealed by clothing.  Here is one example, our Pyre Light Bearing IWB Kydex Holster. A lot of digital ink has been spilled on the reasons why you would want to conceal carry. ...

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What Should You Look For In A Kydex Holster?

What Should You Look For In A Kydex Holster? There are a lot of options whenever you talk about a holster for your firearm.  IWB holsters, OWB holsters, and ODB holsters (I am fairly sure ‘Ole Dirty Bastard owned a firearm and had a unique way of carrying it).  Before even exploring those options, however, you have to first decide what kind of material you want your holster to be made out of.  Are you going to pretend that you are in an old-timey western and go the leather route, or are you going to stop being a Luddite and get with the times and go with the Kydex option? Here at FDO Industries, we believe in embracing indoor plumbing and modern...

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Nobody is Coming to Save You (America)

    It's a popular saying in self-defense/self-reliance circles; 'nobody is coming to save you.' And it's not a bad mantra by which to generally live one's life. If you live in the country it's probably already ingrained in you to some degree anyway. Everything is already farther away, the cops, grocery, fire dept, etc. But even if you live in the city or suburbs and things are 'closer', they're still minutes away. And when seconds count, minutes are too much.      But I think the phrase extends well beyond just the self. It also makes sense for the USA as a whole. As I write this the current administration is asking congress to send a 100 billion aid package overseas....

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